Five essential web and email writing tips for nonwriters
Not a writer? You can still write effective copy for the web and email. Here are five keys for better writing.
Four great nonprofit emails and why they work
Email marketing is still the most effective way to drive supporters to support or make a donation to your nonprofit. But only if it’s done well. These four campaigns nailed it.
How to tell your nonprofit’s story in fewer than 20 words
If you can’t explain what your nonprofit does in fewer than 20 words, you’re losing would-be donors and supporters
Client service lessons I learned from a terrible accountant
How my former accountant taught me valuable lessons about treating clients the right way
Six things you should never do in your email marketing
Email marketing isn’t easy. Don’t make one (or all) of these mistakes and undercut your efforts to connect with your audience.
Five lessons every nonprofit can learn from Charity: Water
Committed donors and supporters empowered Charity: Water to help seven million people worldwide. Here are five ways they earned that support.
What does your website “shout across the street”?
Why an effective website should tell a visitor — within a few seconds — who you are and what you can do for them.
Give your visitors one thing to do first
You can’t hang on to visitors for long, so why not make it easy for them to do the most important thing first?
16 questions to answer before starting a website redesign
If you can’t answer these, you’re not ready.